
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos and videos from Hannie :). Make your own badge here.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tutorial Eight B

To put a Youtube video onto Blogger

Step one = Open and sign into your Youtube and Blogger accounts.

Step two = Find the Youtube video that you wish to put into your Blogger account.

Step three = Click on the "Embed" button

Step four = Copy the code that comes up

Step five = Select "new post" in blogger

Step six = Fill in a title for your video and then paste the script in and press "publish post"

Adding a Youtube video to Blogger

Tutorial Eight A

To put a Flickr badge onto Blogger (beta)

Step one = Open Flickr and Blogger and sign into both.

Step two = In Flickr scroll to the bottom and under "help" click on "sitemap"

Step three = Then under the "you" heading find and click on where it says "add a Flickr badge to your website"

Step four = To show a flash badge (which is much more interesting in my opinion!) click on "show a flash badge"

Step five = Click "Next: Choose content"

Step six = Either choose the photos you wish to include or choose the "all of your photos and videos" option.

Step seven = Choose "next: colours

Step eight = You can now choose the colours for the background.

Step nine = When you are happy with the colours click on "Next: Preview & get code"

Step ten = Here you can preview what your badge will look like. If you are happy with it you now need to highlight all of the text in the box and copy it.

Step eleven = Now go to Blogger and click on "dashboard" then "layout"

Step twelve = Click "add a page element"

Step thirteen = Click the "HTML/ Javascript" option and click "add to blog"

Step fourteen = Fill in a title and Under "content" paste in the script from Flickr and press "save changes"

You may now view the blog and see your photo badge =)

Adding a Flickr badge to Blogger

Flickr Badge from dgee on Vimeo.

Tutorial Seven

One piece of addaptive equipment that we looked at in class was the jelly bean switch.
Jelly bean switches come in different colours and sizes. You can buy jelly bean switches from star educational in New Zealand. You can buy them from here for $90, This is a link to where you can buy them online https://www.star-educational.co.nz/view_products.php?cat=15%22 Jelly bean switches can be plugged into many devices including computers and provide a wide surface area for people to push the button.

Jelly bean switches help give people increased independence it is designed for people who may hit it hard. It is particularly good for people who have decreased motor control and find other switches hard to use. This switch would decrease frustration as well as allow people to feel more independent.

Tutorial Six

I chose to look at Facebook for my online community. The address for Facebook is www.facebook.com

The focus of this community is to connect you to your friends so that you can keep up to date with their news, look at videos and photos and also send instant messages. Facebook is known as a social networking website.

Facebook allows you to customise your profile, giving you the option to change your privacy settings as well as choose who you become friends with. People can contribute by posting status updates, posting on friends walls (depending on privacy) viewing friends photos and videos (depending on privacy) as well as sharing their own. Also adding and accepting friend requests.

People choose to connect to facebook because it is an easy way to stay in touch with others. Another reason people connect is to 'follow the trends' many people have a facebook account so it is often talked about and used by poeple everyday.

This is an example of a topic that is discussed on facebook.

Ethical issues that are involved in facebook are that it is possible to steal someones identity without them knowing. It is also possible to upload photos and videos containing people who don't know about it.

Advantages of using facebook are that you do not need to be in the same city or even country to keep in touch. You can send messages and comments at different times and still receive and continue them. Also you can have a vast number of friends all contributing to posts.

Facebook also has disadvantages over other communities such as you cannot talk to people face to face or hear their voice, making it less personal. Also spelling, abbreviations and grammar can make posts hard to decipher and cause confusion that talking face to face or over the phone would not.


I think that Wii gaming has appeal to people who are not traditional video game players beacause it involves moving around and using different parts of the body so it is a lot more active than traditional video games.

It is relevant to Occuaptional Therapy because it can be used not only to provide pleasure as a meaningful occupation but it can also improve peoples functioning by improving things such as balance, coordination, fine motor skills, range of motion, strength, endurance and also give them exercise.

Wii has many different games and applications some of them are very specific such as "my fitness coach", so it is easier to choose a suitable program for the client.